Sunday, July 26, 2009

Betty invited me to tag along to a rabbit show with her in early July.

Her friend Carol invited three clubs to put on shows in her backyard and have a potluck lunch. Carol has a very nice backyard, has a swimming pool, a tennis court, lots of shade trees and even an independent guesthouse. Carol's husband Jim did BBQ and made hamburger for all. There were a lot of food and they were delicious.

I met Charlie and Casey who also raise English Angora rabbits, just like Betty, many years ago. I had not seen them for a while and it was nice to see them again in that show. All the participants were busy grooming their rabbits; I finally had a chance to see how they use blowers to help the grooming. I also learn some of the rules of showing.

In the afternoon, some of the kids and teenagers went into the pool to relax and have fun. I wish I could go in but I did not.

It was a fun day.


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